One horizon
windows & doors
一禾至境® 门窗系统解决方案提供商。每年为超过 8600 个家庭,1600名建筑师和设计师提供优质便捷的门窗系统解决方案。

2018年,一禾至境引入丹麦设计师 Hans ningsen 的设计理念,秉承以人为本的产品设计原则,重视自然环境的保护,通过门窗这一建筑节能的关键部位,降低对不可再生能源的消耗比例,从而保持生态的平衡与居住环境的优美。

除了拥有创新的产品设计和强大的功能研发外,一禾至境还与美国 CMECH、荷兰AkzoNobel、德国 Weiss 等世界品牌公司建立了合作关系,集合世界品牌力量,打造更完善更具竞争性的高品质门窗系统。
Playing with materials is like giving them life, a soul, teaching them to love each other. It is looking at them with their poetics and studying their combinations. It is searching for a personal feeling for the objects that live in our homes. It is welcoming and enhancing materials and ancient techniques with a contemporary spirit to create the travel companions of our lives.
The incredible world of stone, with its great facets and potential, is where matter and workmanship are closely linked in a single formula, always bringing new and different results and meanings.
Made of craters, the surface has a lunar appearance similar to basalt volcanic rock or a meteorite, embodying the imperfect perfection of nature. Aluminum foam is the unpredictable element that enters the world of Henge to dialogue with contrasting polished materials made of pure poetry with an unexpected personality.
The best Italian craftsmen use their trained hands to set the inner beauty of surfaces free. Unique veining designs harmoniously merge with the material’s instinct. Nothing is more natural than wood, a material shaped by life and time.
The expressiveness of metals is a beloved Henge theme. These ageless, living materials mature over the years, becoming covered with a unique patina formed only by time. Metals reflect the profound, the search for inspiration, different souls, fundamental elements of the game of affinities and contrasts in the world of Henge.
The experience of our craftsmen goes hand in hand with high-tech processes: manual welding and laser cutting; man and machine working together in single unique recipe. Our stones are created using a special recipe: selection, cutting and finishing.
Each ingredient has an effect on the result and is the secret to the expressiveness of our unique products, making them unrepeatable. Our leathers are selected to bring out its distinctive characteristics and natural flaws; the aging process enhances its beauty, giving a timeless feel and nuance to the product.
Their language is the veins, shades of color and visual and tactile feelings created by nature’s secular work, a manifestation of the divine on earth. Delicate and majestic, cold and warm, ancient and contemporary, there are no opposites, only mysteries.